Thursday, February 12, 2009


So I hurt my shoulder a month or two ago and I have been patiently waiting for the pain to go away. It hasn't. Finally, I went to the doctor today and found out that I have rotator cuff tendonitis. Although I don't know what this means, I do know where it came from. There is a reason people have their children when they are young. The combination of lifting Nathan, Rylee, and a purse big enough to hold all their stuff means I get meet a physical therapist on Monday and have anti-imflamatory drugs, muscle relaxers, and strong pain killers for a while. The doctor wrote me instructions which say NO LIFTING. I laughed at her. "And what should I do when the two year old throws a fit, " I said. "Tell him no fit throwing," she said. I love my doctor. She is hilarious.

In other news, I just edited a paper for Taylor. It was a great paper. Now he needs to write several more and do a senoir projact. Cross your fingers that we get to use those graduation announcements we bought. he he he

The kids are all doing well. I laughed at Rylee the other day. We watched Enchanted and the next day, as he tried to get into his carseat, he copied a line from a chipmunk in the movie. Patting his tummy he said proudly, "Man, I gotta lay off the nuts!" I had a good laugh.

Sarah is doing well with her hard cast off. She is in a splint now and only wears it to school. She is at a birthday party for a friend at Skate World today. I am praying she comes home with no incident. The last birthday party didn't work out so well.

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