Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So Nathan, who has become such an integral part of our family, is going home to live with his Mom again in just a few days. It feels so weird to pack up his toys and clothes. I have been doing it slowly as he goes to stay with his mom overnight twice a week. Somehow it feels better to lose him a bit at a time than all at once. I once thought the transition period was only for the foster child but now I know that it is for all the people involved. He is so happy with his mom and she is really trying hard to get it back together. But I will miss his cute smile, his big bear hugs, his laugh when he is tickled.

There are so many good experiences we have had with him. I guess that if we have memories, we won't really lose him at all. Today he goes to stay overnight with his mom. Tomorrow, Wednesday, we have him back at 8 a.m. and then we have him until he goes home for good on Friday afternoon. His mom says she will have our family as part of her support system. That's good because that means we would get to see him sometimes. I am interested to see how that goes. We love you Nathan!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I learned how to make bread here in Oregon! The kids favorite part is to "play" with dough and have flour fights. Aren't they cute!
Sarah in her Easter outfit. She is getting so grown up.

Nathan was happy to pose for a picture.(As long as he had the candy bribe in place)

Rylee has such a cute smile. He looks grown up in his new Easter shirt.

All six kids holding still in one place. I had to beg and take 8 pictures to finally get this one. I love my kids.

Left to right in the back is Ally, 15, Taylor, 17, Cameron, 12. Left to right in front is Rylee, 4, Sarah, 6, and Nathan, 2.