Saturday, March 19, 2011


This is my first attempt at making laundry detergent. Guess what? IT WORKS! It only cost about $5 for four gallons of detergent. It smells good and gets the clothes clean. I am so happy I can't stand it. What a great money saving venture. The kids love it too. I hear "When do we get to make more soap?"
Allison and I in Leesburg, Virginia. Just love this picture. Might be because I just love her:)
Peanut Butter Play-doh at Activity Days. I am the Activity Days leader for our ward. What do you get when you mix six eight and nine year olds with peanut butter play-doh. An automatic bunch of smiles and happy tummies. That was so fun! (Rylee must be our mascot.)
This is what Rylee looks like when he falls asleep next to me. I always think kids look so innocent when they are sleeping. Perhaps adults look this way too. I might have to watch Scott the next time he sleeps. Just kidding.
Today Sarah and I spent some time together. This was a stop at a feed store to "play" with the chickens, ducks, etc. I just love spring when we can hold chicks. The duck wasn't so sure he agreed. Sarah and I giggled when we put him down and he hid behind the food dish. We were sure he wanted nothing to do with people for a while.

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