Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Scared Sarah

So we watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets last night. Turns out there are parts that even if you are sitting in your mom's lap are too scary for a seven year old girl. At two a.m., Sarah was in my room trying to pretend she wasn't scared but I could tell that she was. We talked about how movies aren't real, etc. All that talk wasn't working. "I can't stop thinking about it," she said. "Well," I said, "whenever the movie comes into your head, replace it with something that makes you feel warm and safe. What might that be?" With the sweetest look, she stares at me and says, "You." Oh, my little mommy heart melted. I sat for a moment, pleased that my daughter knew her mommy loved her and would try to keep her safe. Then out of her mouth comes this after thought. "And Dogs!" Well, there goes my warm mommy bubble:)

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