Monday, December 15, 2008

Blogspot, here I come!

So thanks to my sisters Elicia and Heather, and my cousin Alison, I am trying to blog. I don't really get it but with six kids and no time, maybe this is the best way to keep a journal and family and friends updated.
We have a lot going on at the Emery house but we seem to be able to roll with the punches so far. The end of 2008 has been a growing year for our family. We have four children, Taylor, 17, Allison, 14, Cameron, 12, and Sarah, 6. In September we added a three year old boy to our mix. He is a great kid and seems to fit in so well. Then, in November, we had the chance to take a foster boy to live with us. He turned two last week and we had fun throwing a birthday party for him. My niece, Katie, made the cake all by herself. She is nine and has more creativity than I will ever have. She made the cake a "Cars" theme. She decorated with hershey bars for the road, tootsie rolls and smarties for the cars, oreos for the stack of tires, and a small flashlight suspended in midair as the street lamp. It was amazing and he loved it.
Right now, our family is looking forward to an after Christmas trip to Seattle. The kids are excited to see the space needle and the aquarium. I am excited to be all together as a family with no distractions. I think Scott just hopes he survives this trip. Six kids in a hotel room. Aaaagggg!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey Chelle, I am so glad that you are on the blog bandwagon...I agree with you, it is much easier to keep a journal when you have a blog. It is also a great way to keep in touch with the day to day ongoings in a family!