I guess there's nothing that clears your schedule quite as fast as the whole family getting sick. Our family had the swine flu and it took weeks to get everyone through the worst of the symptoms. We are on the mend now and I am determined that we will get the flu vaccine so we don't have to do another month or two of sickness this winter.
I was surprised, though, that it wasn't as dire as I thought it would be. We had lots of headaches, fevers, aches and pains, congestion and severe exhaustion but then things would get better. As I look back at the whole episode, I realize the wisdom of the statement "The absence of pain is bliss." How very true that is. When everyone was finally well and we could go to church, go out in the sunshine, play with neighbor kids, etc it felt so wonderful.
I guess the bottom line of this post is to remind myself and others to appreciate health and happiness. It is such a tender mercy and a blessing from God.