Friday, April 29, 2011

History Repeats Itself

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Whoever said this must have known the Emery family really well.
The scene: Two teenagers are fighting over whose turn it is to download music onto their mp3 players. The teen boy has his music nearly completed. The teen girl cannot wait. As she rips the USB from its port< the teen boy cannot believe his bad fortune. With only seconds to go and its all ruined.
The Problem reveals the "not so kind" part of both teens. As they yell and the argument escalates, the teen boy removes himself to his bedroom. But not before kicking a hard object, badly damaging his toe, and pounding the side of his fist into an even harder wall, even more badly damaging his hand.

The Mother comes home. The teen boy shows the damaged limbs to his mother. The mother then spends two of her once free days at doctor offices throughout Portland to determine the extent of the damage.

Toe: Not broken, just badly hurt. Hand: Mildly Angulated Boxer's Fracture=black cast for 4 weeks and prayers that the damaged growth plate will not cause problems in the future.

How is this history repeating itself, you ask? The teen boy's older brother broke his hand in the exact same way at a similar age out of anger for something pretty similar on the scale of "no big deal."

No boring days at the Emery house. And this only describes one fiasco out of four or five in the last week. But my fingers are tired and I must go pick up children. I guess the other stories will wait in my head. Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pictures from Taylor in Okinawa

Taylor doesn't send much info with the pictures but I thought this one was a great shot of all the trucks.
This is a picture of Taylor when he first arrived there. I think he probably looks similar now. We get to see him and talk to him through the computer sometimes. What a handsome guy!
Here is a truck and dive boat they used while recently training. Taylor was the security detail for the officers doing the training.
What a beautiful beach.
Just another beach shot. Taylor enjoys the beach and the water. I hope he gets to dive and swim while he is there.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Surrender, Simplify, and Smile

Ever feel like walking out into the street and holding a white flag towards the sky? The words escaping my lips would be something like, "Alright, you win. I really need some help here. I surrender!"

I guess that's what happens when you hand me six children, three jobs, three pets, and a menopausal body. But I am the one who signed up for all of it, now, aren't I? Well, some simplifying is in order at the Emery house. First, I went to the doctor with a list of symptoms that made me want to cry. Low and behold, he gave me Estrogen and I have returned to a pleasant person with energy and a happy smile! And lest you think I was the only one who could tell, I asked Scott if he noticed a difference. His words were," Oh, you mean the return to sanity?" And showing that I truly had returned to sanity, I laughed instead of bursting into tears and retreating to my closet to fall apart. Small victory for Michelle.

Second, I have decided to quit the newspaper job for now. The editor I love has moved on and the new editor is demanding certain deadlines. That will not work with the lifestyle here at this house. My job at the school pays better and has great benefits like getting to hang out with my cool kids and other kids who think I am funny and smart. Yes!

Next, we have much more simple meals around here. In fact, tonight is breakfast for dinner. Nope, not eggs, pancakes, and bacon. Cold cereal. The kids think I am awesome. And I guess that means that I can think I am awesome too.
Ta Ta For Now World:)